The astrotower was not one of my favorite Coney Island structures to photograph. In fact, out of the four iconic structures that soared over the amusement area the other three; Wonder Wheel, Cyclone and Parachute Jump, dominated my photo scenes. The astrotower had no character, boring lines, just a stick in the ground. Most of the time it just got in the way and it was hell to find an angle without it so I would just give up and include it with the others. But I never photographed it alone which tells how little it impressed me. You could never get a great photograph from it. However, it did produce something else. When the wind would blow in the right direction, it would make a weird moaning which was quite eerie especially during the early morning hours in the winter when the boardwalk was deserted. I found this photo that I took in 2012 and I just noticed how the tower has a distinct tilt. First thought it was it was created by the lens but not now. When it is taken down I will not miss it but I am pretty sure a replacement is already in the works because the view from the top was truly fantastic.

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